You can recognize the signs. It’s begging to stay in the water for just a few more minutes, insisting on wearing goggles and carrying towels at all times, and sprinting toward any and all bodies of water. If your child displays any of these symptoms, then congratulations, you have a future swimmer
on your hands. But where to start? How can you prepare your child safely for the ins and outs of aquatics?


1. First things first, enroll your child in swim lessons.
Even though your child may be comfortable in the water, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they’re learning important skills. Enrolling your child in lessons is the best way to insure they build the proper strength, skills, and endurance to stay in the water for long periods of time safely.


2. Practice outside of your scheduled lessons.
Studies show that it takes Olympic and professional athletes to lose their swim skills after just 2 short months! To keep your child’s skills as up to date as possible think about using a local Recreation Center to practice what was learned in lessons for faster acceleration through a swim program!


3. Don’t stop once basic skills are mastered.
Swimming much like any sport, is taught by varying levels of difficulty. Once basic skills are mastered, there is always room for further improvement and stroke development.


4. Join the Swimfinity Pre-Competition Team.
Pre-Comp was developed for the child who loves the water and is looking to learn more about its competitive edge. Run like a real competitive swim team, our “Coaches” focus on stroke technique and building endurance—rather than building the general skills you might observe in a regular swim lesson.


5. Keep their love of water alive!
The mission of Swimfinity is to develop safety skills and a lifelong love of swimming. The proper encouragement and support will allow your child to explore their interests and continue their aquatic journey!