
Locker Room Rules

Locker Room Rules

Locker Room Rules    #1 Please stay with your child. #2 Put ALL trash into the trashcans. #3 Double check your area before leaving for lost clothing. #4 NO EATING! #5 Please DO NOT flush anything other than toilet paper.   Thank you for your cooperation! The...

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We Now Offer Little Dipper Classes!

We Now Offer Little Dipper Classes!

What are Little Dipper classes? This class is designed for parent-child interaction and focuses on acquainting a child with the water. Emphasis is placed on teaching parents techniques to stimulate the development of their child's fundamental swimming skills such as...

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Swimfinity Inclement Weather Policy

Swimfinity Inclement Weather Policy

Swimfinity Inclement Weather Policy As the cold weather is approaching, we would like to send a reminder about Swimfinity's Inclement Weather Policy.  We will send an email if it is necessary to close due to road conditions.  In addition, a make-up token will be...

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